The popular Zig Zag Railway has resumed operations after the Office of National Rail Safety Regulation lifted restrictions on the railway from carrying passengers. The heritage-listed tourist attraction, which runs steam train services from Lithgow to the Blue Mountains had its accreditation removed in 2012 after a number of safety and financial issues. The railway was forced into closure after the bushfires in 2013 followed by storm damage and more bushfires in 2019. The trains offer views of sandstone viaducts and stunning scenery of the Blue Mountains and are now finally accepting visitors again.
Zig Zag Railway
“The Zig Zag Railway has been an icon and tourist drawcard for the Blue Mountains for nearly half a century thanks to its committed volunteers dedicated to keeping the romance and heritage of Australia’s steam train era alive,” Minister for Lands and Water Kevin Anderson said in a statement.
The steam railway has a storied history. It first opened in the 1860s and was primarily used to transport passengers and cargo from Western NSW to Sydney. It experienced a resurrection of sorts in the 1970s and became a popular tourist attraction before having to close down in 2012.
A team of dedicated volunteers has been working hard to restore the site with help from the NSW government.
You can follow all the updates on their Facebook page. Grab your tickets here.