Set in the 1830s, The Marriage of Figaro follows Figaro and his bride Susanna as they conspire to foil the advances of Count Almaviva. Often regarded as one of the greatest operas ever written, the nearly 3 and a half hour production takes you on a joyful ride of this classic tale that unfolds in a single chaotic day.
Marriage of Figaro at the Sydney Opera House
Opera Australia’s elegant production has some big names coming on board. Italian baritone Mario Cassi is set to debut as the Count while celebrated Russian soprano Ekaterina Morozova will debut as the Countess. Up and coming star Venetian bass-baritone Tommaso Barea debuts, as the man himself — Figaro, opposite distinguished Australian soprano Stacey Alleaume as Susanna.
This classic masters against servants tale with its ever popular period setting is a must watch for opera and theatre lovers. Sir David McVicar’s illustrious production also features period costumes and sets by Tony Award-winning designer Jenny Tiramani so you can be rest assured you’re in for a memorable ride.
The show opens in Sydney on January 27 and runs until February 18 at the Joan Sutherland Theatre.
Find all the information and book your tickets at the Opera Australia website.