If there’s anyone with a story to tell, it’s Dave Grohl. He’s got another confession to make.
From the infamous scene of ’90s Seattle with larger-than-life Nirvana, to touring the world with Foo Fighters, notwithstanding the occasional falling-off-stage-and-breaking-leg-yet-continuing-same-concert. Yep, he’s an all-round legend of the game. (Featured image: @foofighters)
So, among the sea of concert live-streams, Dave Grohl has decided to give us something different. A new page has been set up called @davestruestories, giving us… Dave’s True Stories. The main image of the account is, suitably, the x-ray of Dave’s famous leg break.
He plans to share tales of his life on the account, and you can read the first one over there now. Dave introduced the account by introducing himself, shouting out his parents, and telling everyone to “wash your fucking hands”. Sound advice, Dave. Sound advice.
Anything to drag us away from Netflix for even a second is a number one priority. (Although Tiger King has been batshit crazy enough for me to question that rule. If Dave can top those guys’ wacky lives, then this should break the internet.)
While many will be disappointed in missing the upcoming Foo Fighters 25th-anniversary tour, they can take some solace in this new Grohl content. And, judging by his introductory post, he’s as bored as the rest of us.