Keep your spirits high with these simple happiness hacks.
Let’s be honest. There’s a lot to feel a bit bleak about. With limited access to friends and family and a miserable news cycle, it’s easy to succumb to lockdown blues and feel unsettled and anxious. Good news is, you’re not alone. While we try and accept the new normal and pivot to doing life indoors 24/7, there are some practical lifestyle changes we can adapt to help us be at peace this time round.
1. Keep a gratitude journal
Even in the midst of all this gloom, there’s plenty to be grateful for. Gratitude is simply looking at your life and being grateful for all the small stuff instead of ruminating the big negatives.
Practicing gratitude and making it a part of your life can go a long way in making you feel happier, healthier, at peace and more productive. Start your day by jotting down a few things you’re grateful for and you’ll notice a shift in your overall outlook towards life.
2. Get some fresh air
Thankfully, despite the strict lockdown, there are no restrictions for exercising in Sydney. Simply opening your window in the morning and taking in the fresh air or soaking in some winter sun with your morning cuppa can boost your mood. If you’re WFH, get into the habit of going for a walk before or after work — it can do wonders to your productivity levels.
3. Take life lessons from cinema
While many of us have treated Netflix as a means of distraction or escape, there is a lot of life-affirming power in the cinema that we consume. Think Singin’ In The Rain (1952) with its unabashed zeal or the charming escape that is Amélie (2001). Have a good cry with Inside Out (2015) or The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) and get transported to a magical place in time with Midnight in Paris (2011), there are a lot of important life lessons hidden in these gems that can bring things into perspective.
We have an entire list of feel-good movies here.
4. Get by with a little help from your friends
A solid heart-to-heart with a good friend is like chicken soup for the soul. And we all need that especially in lockdown. Whether its over zoom or a Netlix party session or a phone call, technology has made it easy to stay connected despite what the sceptics say. So take advantage of this time and catch up with close friends and family.
5. Take each day at a time
As adults we tend to plan 5 steps ahead. Planning way ahead and seeing those plans not come to fruition might make you despondent and bitter towards this season. Try to take each day as it comes and infuse it with small things that make it worthwhile.
6. Enjoy the slow pace of living in lockdown
Does anyone remember life before the pandemic hit? Most of us were caught in a loop climbing one ladder and finding ourselves at the bottom of another ladder. For better or worse, the lockdown life is putting things in perspective. Its allowing us to take it easy and enjoy the simple things in life like cooking your favourite meal or indulging the artist in you. You could even test out that business idea you’ve kept on the back burner all these years.
7. Ask for help
Let’s cut to the chase. Things are hard. Despite all the tik tok trends and Dalgona coffee recipes, we are all bound to feel a bit crap every now and again. Don’t be afraid to seek help if you think you need it. Self-care is not just a pretty social media trend, it’s hard and asks for some tough decisions to be made.
8. Limit social media
This one is tough. Social media has become an imperative part of our lives. But it’s the root cause of a lot of social and anxiety related issues. Seeing someone living their best life or hearing someone sharing about their worries can both have a negative impact on you. As such, limit your intake of social media and detach from the constant chatter for a bit. While you’re at it, turning off those news channels might be a good idea too.
9. Give it to some lockdown luxuries
For me, it’s a brisk walk after work and an episode of two of The Office to end the day. These are small luxuries in life that are ironically exclusive to the lockdown life. Find out what makes you feel that much lighter and enjoy it while you can.
10. Find a hobby
This one’s a no-brainer. This is the time to find something you’ve always been curious about and run with it. Creative pastimes like photography, painting, baking or gardening can do a world of good to keep lockdown blues at bay.